Complaints prevention

We analyse complaints on an on-going basis to take the initiative and reduce their number in partnership with business managers. The knowledge gained from complaints is also used when we design new products and services.

Processing complaints of retail clients – clients satisfaction is our priority

We strive to make sure that clients who report an issue are satisfied with resolution at the first contact. For instance, customers who report an unauthorised transaction can get a refund during the call. If that is not possible, we make best efforts to resolve the issue as soon as practicable. In 2018 we solved 53% of complaints within 1 business day.

We want clients to be happy with the way we address their issues. As a result, we have maintained a high proportion of complaints closed as requested by clients. In 2018, 82% of complaints were solved favourably for the client.

We listen to our clients carefully

When a complaint is resolved, we ask the client to rate the service. We use polls to change our practice as suggested by clients.

In 2018, we received more than 15,000 replies and 78% of clients rated their satisfaction very high.

Processing complaints of corporate clients

Corporate clients may file complaints in many convenient ways: by phone, by email, in writing, personally at an mBank branch, or via mBank CompanyNet. In the latter case, the complaint goes directly to the complaint handling unit and the client receives a confirmation. The reply is also provided electronically.

Since 2017, we have followed the Complaint Processing Quality Standard Book in Corporate and Investment Banking. It describes the language to be used in the complaint handling process to make our communication clear.

In 2018, we aligned our complaint handling process with the new requirements of the Payment Services Act imposed by PSD2. Among other things, we reduced the maximum time limit for the processing of all types of complaints from 30 calendar days to 15 business days. Similar to retail clients, we poll corporate customer satisfaction with the complaint handling process.

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