Note Year ended 31 December
2018 2017
A. Cash flows from operating activities 1 132 740 (2 855 235)
Profit before income tax 1 800 314 1 527 902
Adjustments: (667 574) (4 383 137)
Income taxes paid (600 098) (483 188)
Amortisation, including amortisation of fixed assets provided under operating lease 26,27 299 326 270 478
Foreign exchange (gains) losses related to financing activities 375 493 (1 209 870)
(Gains) losses on investing activities (309 106) (14 178)
Impairment of financial assets n/a 20 004
Dividends received 8 (3 558) (3 428)
Interest income (income statement) 6 (4 518 190) (4 052 074)
Interest expense (income statement) 6 1 021 716 916 414
Interest received 4 755 576 4 404 460
Interest paid (1 212 902) (669 188)
Changes in loans and advances to banks (1 377 115) 248 238
Changes in financial assets and liabilities held for trading and derivatives held for hedges 285 463 171 482
Changes in loans and advances to customers (10 666 659) (2 894 089)
Changes in investment securities n/a (870 118)
Changes in financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income (1 311 909) nd
Changes in securities at amortised cost (276 849) nd
Changes of non-trading equity securities mandatorily at fair value through profit or loss (408) nd
Changes in other assets (390 131) 91 435
Changes in amounts due to other banks 605 550 111 370
Changes in amounts due to customers 11 588 570 (12 486)
Changes in debt securities in issue 280 813 (814 707)
Changes in provisions 22 984 8 221
Changes in other liabilities 763 860 398 087
Net cash generated from/(used in) operating activities 1 132 740 (2 855 235)
B.Cash flows from investing activities 41 757 (409 411)
Investing activity inflows 640 234 77 082
Disposal of shares in associates 54 759
Disposal of shares in subsidiaries, net of cash disposed 100 32 863
Disposal of intangible assets and tangible fixed assets 115 083 40 791
Dividends received 8 3 558 3 428
Other investing inflows 44 466 734
Investing activity outflows 598 477 486 493
Acquisition of shares in subsidiaries 39 907 25 156
Purchase of intangible assets and tangible fixed assets 558 570 461 337
Net cash generated from/(used in) investing activities 41 757 (409 411)
C. Cash flows from financing activities (388 784) (1 871 459)
Financing activity inflows 6 230 359 3 246 814
Proceeds from loans and advances from other banks 187 200
Proceeds from other loans and advances 648 378 422 466
Issue of debt securities 29 4 644 681 2 824 221
Increase of subordinated liabilities 29 750 000
Issue of ordinary shares 100 127
Financing activity outflows 6 619 143 5 118 273
Repayments of loans and advances from other banks 2 945 100 2 711 025
Repayments of other loans and advances 1 501 535 223 612
Redemption of debt securities 29 1 355 830 442 381
Repurchase of subordinated liabilities 29 500 000 1 611 840
Payments of financial lease liabilities 520 579
Dividends and other payments to shareholders 217 907 5 486
Interest paid from loans and advances received from other banks and from subordinated liabilities 98 251 123 350
Net cash generated from/(used in) financing activities (388 784) (1 871 459)
Net increase / decrease in cash and cash equivalents (A+B+C) 41 785 713 (5 136 105)
Effects of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents 20 996 (39 684)
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the reporting period 9 824 260 15 000 049
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the reporting period 41 10 630 969 9 824 260

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