Our ambition is to become one of the leaders of social responsibility among Polish banks. In order to achieve it we created the Strategy for corporate sustainability and responsibility of mBank SA, consistent with „mobile Bank” strategy and binding also in 2016-2020.

Key mBank’s targets for 2016-2020 in the area of corporate responsibility and sustainability:

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Building stable and long-term relations with clients

We want to understand, respect and share the values of our clients. We want to be open. We want to think and feel like they do.

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Applying socially responsible credit policy

We want to be a responsible lender.

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Creating a unique team

We want to build an exceptional team, competence and skills. We want to share what’s best about us with others. We want to be unique.

Limiting the bank’s environmental footprint

We want to limit our impact on the environment.

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Refining of the mechanisms of responsible management in the organisation, including the supply chain.

We want to improve our management approach.


target achieved


target not achieved


Execution of the sustainability strategy: Degree of reaching the target Indicators and additional comments
I. We want to understand, respect and share the values of our clients. We want to be open. We want to think and feel like they do. Every year we measure the level of clients’ loyalty and satisfaction – NPS survey.

Level of satisfaction (NPS) of corporate clients:

2016: 30 (increase)
2017: 34 (increase)
2018: 35 (increase)

Level of satisfaction (NPS) of retail clients :

2016: 12 (no data for 2015)
2017: 20 (increase)
2018: 19 (slight decrease)

1 Ensuring a permanent platform of dialogue with clients After 16 years mCouncil – mBank’s advisory board consisting of clients – was suspended in 2016 as it’s formula had ran out.

We held regular meetings with clients, called „Face to face with the corporate client”. In 2018 we held 8 meetings, in 2016 and 2017 in total ca. 8 meetings.

Moreover, new initiatives, helping to achieve the target, emerged, i.a. Client’s friend project.

2 Reliable, clear and transparent communication of products by redefining the nature of agreements and making their provisions transparent and comprehensible to clients (“Action Renovation”) We introduced mKanon – rules of simple and clear communication in the entire organisation.

We want all our documents, that clients receive, to be compliant with mKanon. Thus, in 2017 we broadened the range of “Action Renovation” project. For this reason, numer of documents which should be simplified, increased significantly. Until 2018 we simplified 54% of documents addressed to retail clients.

Moreover, “Action Renovation” was discribed as a good practice in the publication of Responsible Business Forum titled “Responsible Business in Poland 2016”.

3 Limiting the number of complaints by eliminating the reasons behind them (individual clients) Target achieved. We measure it by number of complaints per 1000 accounts:

2016: 3.30 (degree of reaching the target: 101.1%)

2017: 2.88 (degree of reaching the target : 111.6%)

2018: 2.85 (degree of reaching the target : 114.7%)

4 Ensuring the highest possible protection for clients and their personal data Target achieved.
In 2016-2018 we continued our social campaign “Be cautious online”.
5 Ensuring the availability of financial services We introduced facilities for people with disabilities
  • For people with impaired hearing within “Banking without borders” programme we introduced service in the Polish Sign Language
  • We increased accessibility for people people in wheelchairs

In 2016, 2017 and 2018 target was achieved.

In 2015-2016 we were working on adjusting our transactional system (2.0 version) to the needs of people with implaired sight. We did not manage to achieve the satisfactory level of accessibility. In 2017 we decided to build a transactional system in a new version (IB 3.0). In Q1 2020 we plan to adjust most commonly used options in the transactional system to the needs of people with impaired sight and blind.

6 Preparing and adopting the ethical principals of marketing communication and PR Target not achieved
7 Actions in support of mathematical education mBank’s Foundation takes actions for mathematical education development. The number of educational projects which received the suport of mFoundation:

2016: 296

2017: 348

2018: 261

Moreover, in 2018 mFoundation provided a free book “Mathematics is everywhere. Family adventures with mathematics”. Book was distributed in co-operation with mBank. It was ordered by 107,000 people.

II. We want to be a responsible lender. In 2016-2018 the objective of having no social or environmental conflicts in which mBank, being a financial institution, participates indirectly, was achieved.
1 Withdrawal of the bank from financing unethical industries and business activities In 2016 we introduced “Policy on providing services and financing to entities operating in areas that are particularly sensitive in terms of mBank’s reputation”.

In 2018 we introduced Renewable Energy Sources Policy.

In 2019 we ceased financing of coal energy production and coal mines.

2 Lending policy versus social and environmental aspects Environmental and social aspects are included in the “Policy on providing services and financing to entities operating in areas that are particularly sensitive in terms of mBank’s reputation”, covering the entire bank.
III. We want to build an exceptional team, competence and skills. We want to share what’s best about us with others. We want to be unique. We measure this target using employee satisfaction survey.

In the Engagement Culture Survey in 2016, 2017 and 2018 decreases were noted (57% – decrease by 1 p.p., 55% – decrease by 2 p.p., 54% – decrease by 1 p.p., respectively).

Whereas, level of work environment satisfaction measured in the same survey, in 2016, 2017 and 2018 increased (by 7 p.p to 67%) and then decreased (by 1 p.p. to 66%) and then increased again by 3 p.p. (to 69%), respctively.

1 Supporting development and building competence of the organisation Degree of reaching the target is measured by the development indicator in the in the Engagement Culture Survey. It reached:

2016: 56%

2017: 56%

2018: 57%

We support building competence via i.a. “Fridays with Development” project, started in 2018. 2,480 employees took part in meetings and trainings.

2 Promotion of the culture of openness We measure this goal by means of turnout in the Openess Culture Survey, which in particular years was as follows:

2016: 87%

2017: 90%

2018: 88%

3 Diversity and counteracting discrimination We signed the Diversity Card – mBank joined the initiative on 15 January 2018.

We organize anti-mobbing trainings.

4 Employee volunteering programmes Our volunteering programme „Let’s do something good together” was suspended. Currently we are working on the new formula of the programme.
 5 Workplace safety and ergonomics In 2016-2018 no penalties for non-compliance with the Occupational Health and Safety Regulations were imposed on mBank.
IV. We want to limit our impact on the environment CO2 equivalent in metric tones for mBank in particular years was as follows:

2016: 11,947.5

2017: 12,127.7

2018: 9,748.3

Paper consumption in mBank Group in particular years was as follows:

2016: 33,119.500 pages

2017: 27,907.000 pages

2018: 38,270.193 pages

1 Optimisation of energy consumption Total energy consumption in the organisation:

2016: 80,113.00 GJ

2017: 55,913.48 GJ (reduction)

2018: 53,846.40 GJ (reduction)

2 Limiting the environmental footprint of the car fleet Currently no data is gathered.
3 Efficient consumption of running water in office buildings Currently no data concerning water consumption is gathered.
4 Efficient consumption of paper and stationary Paper consumption in mBank Group in particular years was as follows:

2016: 33 119 500 pages

2017: 27 907 000 pages

2018: 38 270 193 pages

Additonally, we introduced MyQ platform for the whole organisation, which enables us to optimise paper consumption.

5 Recycling In Przystanek mBank – mBank new headquaters in Łódź – we segregate the waste.
V. We strive to improve our management approach mBank is a member of XI and XII editions of RESPECT Index:

XI edition (binding since 18 December 2017): yes

XII edition (binding since 18 December 2018): yes

In X, XI and XII Rank of Responsible Companies mBank was ranked on position below eight among financial institutions.

1 Management of responsibility in supply chain In 2016-2018 we introduced additional regulations concerning cooperation with suppliers, taking into account ethical, social and environmental issues. The refer to 100% of our suplliers.

More detailed regulationas are about to be implemented in 2019.

2 Coordination of activities in the area of corporate social responsibility CSR projects are coordinated by the CSR specialist reporting immediately to the director of the Communication and Marketing Strategy Department.
3 Public CSR reporting Starting with 2015, we regularly publish our social and integrated reports.


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