This report has been prepared in accordance with the GRI Standards method at the Core level with the support of an independent consulting company, Go Responsible. The report has not been subjected to external verification. mBank reports on an annual basis. The key topics in the report were identified in a stakeholder expectation survey based on an anonymous online questionnaire carried out in December 2018. It included the bank’s key stakeholders: employees, clients, investors, business partners, social partners, as well as potential customers, stock analysts, and third parties.  When selecting relevant topics, there were many aspects taken into account;  the strategy of the organisation, non-financial reporting of peer banks and the meeting with the team responsible for the preparation of the report.


Individual and institutional clients of mBank Group companies regularly provide feedback concerning their satisfaction with specific processes and products and their components, including the transparency of presented costs and risks as well as price/benefit ratio. Such topics are discussed among others, in structured surveys including open-ended questions, the “Your opinion” option in the transactional service, and workshops.

The completed surveys and workshops are summarised in reports presented to managers, the sales force and product specialists. Findings and conclusions are used to improve existing processes and products. Moreover, clients’ feedback is reported to the CRM system during the surveys. Answers to open-ended survey questions are analysed by Branch Directors before account managers contact clients to get their comments and address their questions and needs.


All of the aforementioned data were used to develop the following significance matrix: topics assessed by external stakeholders as crucial for the report are marked green , less important are marked orange and the least important red .

External perspective Average assessment in scale 1-3 Company’s perspective
1. Development and using various forms of contact with our stakeholders 2.03 Approach to stakeholder engagement 102-43
2. Counteracting discrimination and caring about the most vulnerable groups, i.e. the economically disadvantaged, the disabled, the elderly, etc., for example by ensuring the availability of services through customisation of outlets and/or the offer 2.19 Initiatives enhancing access to financial services for the disabled FS14
Access to financial services in sparsely populated or economically weaker areas FS13
3. Recruitment and employment relationships, i.e. lawfulness of employment, legal form of employment, including e.g. the issue of the so-called junk  contracts and lack of discrimination in employment 2.58 New employee hires and employee turnover 401-1
4. Working conditions and social protection, meaning ensuring decent working conditions with respect to remuneration, working hours, rest periods after the week of work, public holidays, pregnancy and maternity protection and the possibility of reconciling work with family obligations, support in difficult situations 2.59 Benefits provided to full-time employees that are not provided to temporary or part-time employees 401-2
Parental leave 401-3
Programs for upgrading employee skills and transition assistance programs 404-2
Percentage of employees receiving regular performance and career development reviews 404-3
5. Social dialogue, i.e. a dialogue between employees and the employer through the agency of trade unions and, e.g. satisfaction studies, etc. 2.01 This topic was not selected as crucial for this report
6. Occupational health and safety 1.85 Hazard identification, risk assessment, and incident investigation 403-2
7. Development and training at work place 2.51 Average hours of training per year per employee 404-1
8. Counteracting corruption, i.e. identification of corruption threats, training, system for monitoring and counteracting corruption 2.15 Operations assessed for risks related to corruption 205-1
Share of employees trained in the topic of anti-corruption policies and procedures 205-2
Confirmed incidents of corruption and actions taken 205-3
9. Fair competition, i.e. ensuring management mechanisms for counteracting the risk of anti-competitive activities 2.28 Legal actions for anti-competitive behaviour, anti-trust, and monopoly practices 206-1
Non-compliance with laws and regulations in the social and economic area 419-1
10. Respecting ownership rights, i.e. observance of the rights of third parties and non-infringement of their intellectual property, including e.g. software 2.19 This topic was not selected as crucial for this report
11. Fair marketing, true and objective information and fair contractual practices 2.50 Incidents of non-compliance concerning marketing communications 417-3
12. Protection of clients’ safety, i.e. creating products in the manner allowing the client to make a conscious decision and limiting the risk of falling into, e.g. a credit trap 2.57 This topic was not selected as crucial for this report
13. Balanced consumption and building clients’ awareness, meaning educating and making consumers aware of safe and rational use of banking services 2.38 This topic was not selected as crucial for this report
14. Customer service and support as well as complaints and disputes settlement 2.49 Incidents of non-compliance concerning product and service information and labelling 417-2
15. Customer data and privacy protection 2.45 Substantiated complaints concerning breaches of customer privacy and losses of customer data 418-1
16. Direct and indirect contribution to social-economic development of the country, i.e. by means of paying taxes, creating jobs, but also providing funding which enables completion of infrastructure investments 2.18 Direct economic value generated and distributed 201-1
17. Indirect impact on the natural environment – applicable credit policy of the bank, especially towards the creditors seeking funding for industrial or infrastructure investments 2.07 Policies concerning social and environmental issues FS1
Procedures of assessment and screening of social and environmental risks FS2
18. Direct impact on the natural environment – consumption of water, energy, paper, CO2 emission 2.09 This topic was identified as important and it is reported as an own indicator
19. Corporate social commitment – initiatives undertaken by mBank Foundation in scope of mathematics education 2.00 Operations with local community engagement, impact assessments, and development programs 413-1
Portfolio structure divided into business lines, regions, sizes (i.e. micro/SME/big) and sectors FS6
Diversity of governance bodies and employees 405-1

The changes that took place in relation to the previous report include modifications to the reporting method (from GRI G4 to GRI Standards). The presented data is based on the integrated reporting guidelines and the Ten Principles of Global Compact. This report is also our Communication on Progress report.

In comparison to the previous year, the non-financial reporting does not include the company mCentrum Operacji, which was integrated into mBank S.A. in 2018. The financial data cover all companies of the Group.


Monika Czajkowska

CSR Expert

tel. +48 22 438 23 18

Katarzyna Adamczyk

CSR Expert

tel. 22 829 16 45

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