The ability to pay out dividends is provided for in the “mobile Bank” strategy of mBank Group for 2016-2020 and remained in the strategy for 2020-2023. However, in its decision recommending the dividend payment to the Supervisory Board, the Management Board of mBank mainly considers current recommendations of the Polish Financial Supervision Authority concerning dividend payments by banks.

In March 2019 PFSA issued its standpoint concerning dividend policy of commercial banks in mid-term horizon. Its assumptions were maintained in the PFSA’s standpoint from January 2019 referring to dividend policy in 2019. This guidance remains consistent with the PFSA’s recommendation regarding dividend payout for 2018. According to the mentioned recommendations, a dividend could be paid only by banks meeting the criteria below (both on stand-alone and consolidated level):

  • the bank is not subject to a restructuring programme;
  • the bank performed well in the Supervisory Review and Evaluation Process – final SREP score not worse than 2.5 (master scale – score 1 or 2);
  • with financial leverage (LR) level higher than 5%;
  • with Tier 1 capital ratio not lower than the minimum value set for this ratio increased by 1.5%: 6% + 75%*add-on + the combined buffer requirement + 1.5%;
  • with Total Capital Ratio not lower than the minimum set for this value increased by 1.5%: 8% + add-on + the combined buffer requirement + 1.5%.

It is recommended that banks which meet all the above criteria can pay out up to 75% of the profit generated in a year preceding the decision.

Moreover, it is recommended to pay out dividend up to 100% of the profit generated in a year preceding the decision by banks meeting all of the above criteria, taking into account, within capital criteria, the bank’s sensitivity to an unfavourable macroeconomic scenario (measured by stress tests For banks with exposure to FX housing loans for households (which have more than 5% of FX mortgage loans for households in their portfolio of receivables from non-financial sector) the dividend rate should be adjusted based on following criteria:

Based on the share of FX housing loans for households in the whole portfolio of receivables from the non-financial sector:

  • banks with the share exceeding 10% – dividend rate adjustment by 20 p.p.;
  • banks with the share exceeding 20% – dividend rate adjustment by 30 p.p.;
  • banks with the share exceeding 30% – dividend rate adjustment by 50 p.p.;

Based on the share of FX housing loans granted in 2007 and 2008 in the portfolio of FX housing loans for households:

  • banks with the share exceeding 20% – dividend rate adjustment by 30 p.p.;
  • banks with the share exceeding 50% – dividend rate adjustment by 50 p.p.

Whenever a bank with undistributed profit from previous years intends to pay out dividend, it is obliged to report this plan to the Polish Financial Supervision Authority which will assess it on an individual basis. Only banks which meet the criteria for paying out dividends may apply for such consent.

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