Since 2018 we have been designing new products and services and developing the existing ones together with our clients using the design thinking approach. We have been conducting in-depth individual and group research and asking clients to assess the preliminary versions of our solutions.
We set up a group of moderators specialising in design thinking, an approach to creating products and services based on profound understanding of the needs of their end-users, and developed methods for using the design thinking toolkit in our business projects. The group is composed of 16 people from various areas and departments. We created mBank Lab, a space where we hold meetups, creative workshops and interviews with clients. This new approach allows us to deliver solutions which address the needs of clients even better. By the end of 2019 we cooperated with nearly 200 clients.
Retail clients
At mBank we monitor client satisfaction at the following levels:
- Four times a year in cooperation with TNS KANTAR, a research firm, we survey the loyalty of our clients using a dedicated metric: relational NPS. Based on the survey results, we identify the key reasons why clients recommend mBank to their friends and family as well as areas that need development. In 2019 the relational NPS stood at 13.
- We defined 13 key touchpoints with the bank for which transactional NPS is monitored. Based on the results, we precisely identify the major needs and expectations of our clients.
- We continuously measure the satisfaction of clients using individual contact channels. We analyse the feedback from clients and swiftly react to their expectations.
Corporate clients
As part of the “mSatysfakcja” (“mSatifcation”) project we survey the satisfaction of corporate clients twice every year. In addition, we compare our relational NPS with the industry average.
Is addressed to all clients. We ask clients how likely they are to recommend mBank to their business partners (which is measured by the NPS) and how satisfied they are from their relationship with mBank. This is how we identify the key reasons why clients recommend our services and areas that need improvement. In 2019 the NPS was 33 for all corporate clients and 41 for clients who named mBank their first-choice bank (market average: 17; source: Kantar Polska, August 2019). In addition, the proportion of corporate clients satisfied or very satisfied with mBank’s services stood at 75%, which is similar to the 2018 figure.
Evaluates specific processes or clients’ interactions with the bank. We defined 13 touchpoints for which transactional NPS is measured. Based on the results, we improve products and streamline processes.
The conversations between mBank advisors and representatives of corporate clients held immediately after the survey are the most important element of the NPS programme. The purpose is to obtain more detailed information from clients and find out why they recommend mBank to their business partners or advise them against it.
Access to financial services
We provide financial services to clients all over the country: nearly one-fifth of all our branches are located in sparsely populated or economically disadvantaged areas. Wherever there is Internet access, clients can access our online banking and app-based mobile banking.
2019 | Number of retail branches: | Number of mKiosks | TOTAL |
Total number of points of access to financial services offered by the bank | 143 | 166 | 309 |
Number of points of access to financial services located in low-populated1 or economically disadvantaged2 areas | 36 | 43 | 79 |
Percentage of points of access located in low-populated or economically disadvantaged areas | 25% | 26% | 25.6% |
1 According to Statistics Poland (GUS) the lowest populated regions in Poland include: Podlaskie, Warmińsko-Mazurskie, Lubuskie, Zachodniopomorskie, Lubelskie, Opolskie and Świętokrzyskie.
2 According to the Local Data Bank, regions in Poland with the lowest economic activity include: Lubuskie, Opolskie, Podlaskie, Pomorskie, Warmińsko-Mazurskie, Zachodniopomorskie and Świętokrzyskie.
Principles of lending to the defence sector
When cooperating with the defence sector, mBank takes into account political, social, ethical and environmental issues which may negatively impact its reputation. In principle, we enter into transactions with public entities from the defence sector, i.e. government agencies and state-owned companies.
Policy on providing services and financing to entities operating in areas that are particularly sensitive in terms of mBank’s reputation risk
The policy imposes restrictions on providing services to companies from sectors which are controversial from the social perspective and break the Ten Principles of UN Global Compact.
The restrictions apply to opening accounts for and lending to companies, including mBank’s existing clients, that:
- operate based on child labour, forced labour or otherwise grossly abuse human rights,
- are oriented towards economic exploitation of areas of great natural interest,
- threaten the global cultural heritage.
We do not establish business relationships with entities operating in countries covered by UN sanctions.
“Przyjaciel klienta” (“Client’s friend”)
The “Client’s friend” project is a response to our clients’ and employees’ willingness to contribute to building mBank. We gather ideas and suggestions about the range of products and services offered by mBank, analyse them to find the most expected changes and design potential solutions together with competent organisational units.
Every client can share their ideas via online banking or any other access channel (mLinia, branches, email, chat) and social media (Facebook, Twitter). To offer ideas, one does not need to identify themselves or even be a client. Having registered an idea, the author receives an automatic thank-you message. In 2019 we introduced an additional thank-you message (push) sent within 48 hours after a client contributes an idea. We analyse every suggestion and inform the authors once their ideas are implemented.
Also our employees can tell us about their ideas, comments and expectations, using a dedicated form available on the intranet. The employees receive individual replies to their suggestions.
In 2019 we analysed over 6,000 ideas proposed by our clients.
Meetings with SME clients
When designing or modifying our products, services and processes, we tend not to rely on metrics only because we perceive our clients, first and foremost, as living human beings. This is why we organise meetings as part of the “Oko w oko z klientem firmowym” (“Eye to eye with SME clients”) programme. Every month we invite one client to share their business story and talk about the challenges they face. It is all the more important because the employees of the bank’s head office and business lines do not contact clients on a daily basis, despite being the ones who prepare offers or service procedures. We estimate that approx. 350 employees took part in the meetings in 2019.
In 2019 we extended the initiative to include also meetings and design thinking workshops with students and pupils and interactions with e-commerce representatives, enterprising women, and the 50+ generation.