mBank’s financial capital consists of funds obtained from clients, shareholders and bondholders, as well as profits generated by the Group. Funds entrusted to the bank are used in financial products and services: loans, loans for any purpose, factoring, leasing, further investments and operational activities, as well as grants.

Security of the entrusted funds is a key aspect of financial capital management, which is indivisibly linked with risk management. We maintain regulatory indicators above the required levels to ensure a stable capital and liquidity position of mBank Group. We operate within the established risk appetite and create added value for our shareholders.

We satisfy the financial needs of our clients at every stage of their lives. In addition, we contribute greatly to the development of the economy: we foster innovation and create new jobs. We pay high income and banking taxes. We also support the stability of the financial sector: we pay contributions to the Bank Guarantee Fund, costs of supervision by the Polish Financial Supervision Authority (KNF), and contributions to the Borrower Support Fund.

Input capital data

  • Capital of PLN 16,153 million*
  • Liabilities to clients of PLN 116,661.1 million*

* as at the end of 2019 r.

  • Issued debt securities of PLN 17,435.1 million*
  • Subordinated liabilities of PLN 2,500.2 million*



C/I amounted to 41.1%

PLN 5,866 million

Income amounted to PLN 5,866 million

PLN 103.8 million

Net profit amounted to 103.8 million


Net ROE amounted to 0.62%


NPL Ratio (non-performing loans): 4.8%


Total Capital Ratio: 19.9%

Capital management

We create efficient and lightweight digital processes, optimised in terms of time and costs

thanks to growing income and cost discipline.

limited by decisions of the regulator.


mBank’s human capital consists of knowledge, attitudes, motivation, experience, and competence of employees who contribute to the unique organisational culture and enjoy clients’ trust.

We focus on empathy both in employee relations, and in communication with clients. Thanks to our employees’ dedication, mBank’s communication with stakeholders outside the organisation is simplified, open, friendly, and addresses the needs of the other party. This arises from mBank’s mission: “To help. Not to annoy. To delight. Anywhere”.

Input capital data

  • Number of employees: 8306*
  • Number of employed women: 4892
  • Number of employed men: 3414

* Number of employees as of the end of 2020 (including employees who are taking a long-term leave, excluding: employees hired based on replacement employment contract, interns and trainees, employees in technical ‘accessible’ posts



Employee engagement score in 2020


On average, 85% of the employees work remotely


Development ratio in the Employee Engagement Culture Survey in 2020

Capital management

e.g. the Code of Conduct, Work Rules of mBank, Remuneration Rules of mBank, Rules for Awarding Bonuses to mBank Employees, procedures regarding employee selection and recruitment, development activities, and employee appraisal

regarding development and training

which is gradually replaced with Ongoing Feedback and quarterly Objectives and Key Results (OKR).

and helped them with establishing the workplace at home.

who work at home office, in the offices and branches.


Intellectual capital consists of intangible innovative resources of the organisation and its employees, which have an impact on our results and market position.

It is the source of our current and future competitive advantage. This category includes state-of-the-art IT solutions used in our online banking, mobile app and internal processes of the bank, as well as intangible resources (quality standards, brand recognition, rules of good communication with clients).

Input capital data

  • App users: 1.89 million*
  • Share of mobile clients in the active client base: 70%*

* (as at the end of 2019)

  • Average of 41 trainig hours per employee*



 The number of app users grew by 20%


The share of mobile clients in the active client base changed to 85%


The number of training hours per employee dropped by 32%**

** Due to the pandemic, beginning from the early March 2020, most of the training courses were put on hold, canceled or moved. We have foregone all forms of group trainings performed in rooms (in accordance to the decisions of mBank Crisis Command). That remained unchanged until the end of 2020. Some external companies (including academies) withdrew some of the previously announced activities or moved their execution to a later date (including 2021). mBank Group has given up arranging mass development events carried out in person, such as conventions and conferences.

Capital management


  • new video verification feature for those looking to open an account with mBank through a selfie
  • access to the investment portfolio and execution of transactions on funds from the application level
  • request for a transfer to a mobile phone using BLIK

the online payment gateway.

where we kept our clients informed on how to safely bank during a pandemic.


Innovative digital systems and tools, procedures and policies are the main components of mBank’s manufactured capital. They allow knowledge and information to flow safely and efficiently both inside and outside the organisation (in communication with suppliers).

We develop our organisational structure, internal processes, product distribution tools, approach to risk management, infrastructure (including IT systems) and network of retail branches on the basis of a concept of a digital and innovative bank. We strive to be present in many different channels and to offer products via electronic channels – applications, online banking, chat and call centre supported by a modern network of branches. As a mobile and online bank we care about the cyber security of our processes, and pay particular attention to the protection of our clients’ data.

Input capital data

  • Number of branches in Poland: 143*
  • Number of mKiosks: 166*

* as at the end of 2019

  • Payment cards: 3.6 million in Poland*



The number of branches in Poland dropped by 3%


The number of mKiosks dropped by 3%


The number of payment cards rose by 7%


The number of the mobile application’s share in the sales of cash loans grew to 26% in December 2020 (compared to 18% in January 2020)

Capital management

(online and mobile tools, an extensive network of distribution points, a telephone contact centre).

via our subsidiary Cyber Rescue; we also offer 24/7 contact with our Security Operations Center (

and apply compliance requirements on an ongoing basis

The building, named „mBank Tower”, is eco-friendly and equipped with state-of-the-art technology. It was awarded in the European Property Awards contest, which selects best real estate projects in Europe.


mBank’s social capital comprises relations with stakeholders outside the organisation, compliance with the norms, and our clients’ trust. We care deeply and consciously about relations as they are an important aspect of our activity. The trust of our stakeholders in financial institutions grows, and so does clients’ openness to new products and services.

The quality of relations and the level of social trust are strongly linked with the bank’s operational results. Our mission and values reflect our particular care for social capital. Clients and their needs, emotions, and expectations are the most important for us. Social capital means trust, which is a currency equally important as money.

Our products and services are used by individual clients, small and medium-sized enterprises, and big corporations, as well as public sector entities, including local governments. Social capital, therefore, forms a basis for new business and social ventures, investments and infrastructure used by the society as a whole. They contribute to economic growth of the country, which is beneficial to households.

Input capital data

  • Number of retail clients: 5.662 million
  • Number of corporate clients: 29.1 thousand

* as at the end of 2019

  • Amount for the achievement of mFoundation’s statutory goals: PLN 2.3 million



Sales of mortgage loans grew by 9.9%


Sales of non-mortgage loans dropped by 30.9%


Completed educational projects of mFundacja as part of the “mPotęga” (“mPower”) grant programme

PLN 3 million

Funds donated to WOŚP

PLN 6.1 billion

In 2020, almost 44 thousand of corporate and retail clients have submitted applications for PFR support through mBank, for a total amount of over PLN 6.1 billion.

Capital management

among retail and corporate clients

using the design thinking approach, which focuses on understanding users' problems and needs.

for individual clients, micro-enterprises and enterprises.

under the aid programme of the Polish Development Fund (PFR).

We are the banking partner of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity


Natural capital is our direct and indirect, both positive and negative, impact on the environment.

As an organisation which does not produce physical goods, our direct impact on the environment stems from the operation of our offices and branches. We utilise electricity, thermal energy, water, and office supplies (paper and toners). We use electrical devices which must be replaced with new ones every now and then (computers, printers, telephones). Well-developed IT infrastructure requires cooling, which uses electricity. Our employees travel for business using mBank’s car fleet, which causes fuel consumption.

We promote mobile banking channels, i.e. handling as many bank-related matters as possible without going to the bank’s branch, which minimises our clients’ potential need to use a car to reach the bank. We also promote electronic communication tools in the workplace by allowing our employees to organise videoconferences in place of going to meetings.

As regards our indirect impact, we support sustainable development of others. We implement the policy for financing investments in renewable energy sources. The bank no longer finances new coal mines and coal-fired power plant units. Since 2019 mBank’s Private Banking clients have been able to invest in line with ESG standards in portfolios containing shares and bonds of issuers that generate a positive social or environmental impact.

Input capital data

  • Pool of funds for renewable energy projects: PLN 4 billion
  • Emission (scope 1+2): 15,421.99 CO2e

* as at the end of 2019

  • Fuel consumption: 1,578,291 litres of petrol and 216,116 litres of diesel fuel*
  • Paper consumption: 35,336,887 A4 paper sheets*


PLN 1.97 billion

Total value of financed renewable energy projects: PLN 1.97 billion


Reduction of CO2e emission by 39%

43% and 72%

Reduction of fuel consumption: petrol by 43%, diesel fuel by 72%


Reduction of paper consumption by 25%

Capital management

are an integral part of the business strategy for 2020-2023.

which is initiatives we take to reduce our negative impact on climate and environment.

of mBank’s adverse impact on the climate and the risk of adverse impact of the climate on the bank.

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