mBank organises liquidity risk management processes in line with the requirements resulting from the law and supervisory recommendations in particular the PFSA Recommendations (among others P, C, H and S) as well as EBA guidelines concerning liquidity risk management.

mBank Group liquidity position

In 2020, the liquidity of mBank Group was at a safe, very high level, which was reflected in the high amount of liquid funds.

Strong discipline in balance sheet management caused that mBank Group entered a period of crisis with a comfortable liquidity position, reflected by high levels of liquidity ratios, which were well above the minimum regulatory levels. In 2020, a stable increase of deposit base and a decrease of dynamics of lending growth had a direct impact on strengthening the liquidity position.

In its operations, mBank is exposed to liquidity risk, i.e. the risk of being unable to honour its payment obligations, arising from the bank’s balance-sheet and off-balance-sheet positions, on terms favourable to the bank and at a reasonable price.

The bank has defined a set of liquidity risk measures and a system of limits, buffers and warning thresholds which protect the bank’s liquidity in the event of unfavourable internal or external conditions. Independent measurement, monitoring and controlling of liquidity risk is performed daily by the Balance Risk Management Department.

The main measures used in liquidity risk management of the bank include measures based on liquidity gap calculation in LAB methodology, the regulatory measures (M3, M4, LCR) and also NSFR (Net Stable Funding Ratio) for analysis only.

LAB measures reflect the projected future cash flow gap of assets, liabilities and off-balance-sheet commitments of the bank, which represent potential risk of being unable to meet liabilities within a specific time horizon and under a certain scenario.

The methodology for measuring the liquidity gap (LAB) includes normal conditions scenario (LAB Base Case) and stress scenarios (short-term, long-term and combined). Stress scenarios are limited. Moreover, the bank has a process of reporting and monitoring of intraday liquidity position including crisis scenario for intraday liquidity. The reverse stress scenario is the complement of the liquidity stress testing system.

In order to support the process of liquidity risk management, the bank has a system of early warning indicators (EWI) and recovery indicators. Breach of thresholds by defined indicators may be a trigger for the launch of the Contingency Plan or the Recovery Plan for mBank Group.

LCR calculation and reporting is carried out in accordance with the Delegated Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/61 of October 10, 2014, amended by the Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2018/1620 of July 13, 2018, which applies from April 30, 2020. With the respect of NSFR, the bank reports to the NBP according to the standards established by EBA in 2014, and reports to the PFSA in the form of a dedicated questionnaire.

The liquidity strategy is pursued by active management of the balance sheet structure and future cash flows as well as maintenance of liquidity reserves adequate to liquidity needs depending on the activity of the bank and the current market situation as well as funding needs of the Group subsidiaries. The bank manages liquidity risk at two levels: strategic (within committees of the bank) and operational (Treasury Department).

Liquidity risk limiting covers supervisory (M3, M4, LCR) and internal measures. The liquidity risk internal limit system is based mainly on defining acceptable level of gaps in stress conditions in specific time horizons and for different liquidity risk profiles. The bank limits also the volume and term concentration of foreign currency funding of mBank with FX swaps and CIRS. The structure of these limits reflects the bank’s preferences for funding structure in those currencies.

The bank has a centralised approach to the Group’s funding management. The subsidiaries are financed by mBank through the Treasury Department. Additionally, mBank Hipoteczny raises funding in the market by issuance of covered bonds and short-term debt securities and mLeasing raises funding by issuance of short-term debt securities.

The bank has the Contingency Plan in case of a threat of losing financial liquidity, which sets the strategy, division of roles and procedures to be implemented in the event of a situation connected with the risk of losing liquidity by mBank Group and aimed at neutralising this threat. The Contingency Plan is tested annually.

The liquidity of mBank remained at a safe, very high level in 2020, as reflected in the high surplus of liquid assets over short-term liabilities in LAB measures and in the levels of regulatory measures.

The Group’s liquidity risk measurement includes in addition mBank Hipoteczny and mLeasing. mBank monitors liquidity risk of the subsidiaries to protect liquidity also at the Group level in the event of adverse events (crises).

In Q2 2020, the bank adapted the LCR calculation method to the guidelines of Commission Delegated Act 2018/1620 and the latest EBA guidelines. Liquidity measures, both internal and regulatory, are definitely above the current structure of limits.

The table below presents the LAB gaps for tenors up to 1M and 1Y and the regulatory measures M3, M4, LCR in 2020 at mBank and mBank Group level:

31.12.2020 31.12.2020
Measure1 mBank mBank Group
LAB Base Case 1M 27,574 29,682
LAB Base Case 1Y 27,586 30,168
M3 4.11 x
M4 1.52 x
LCR 202% 218%

1 LAB measures are shown in PLN million; M3, M4 and LCR are relative measures presented as a decimal.

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