
Changes in BRE Bank Tariff of Banking Fees and Commissions

BRE Bank (soon mBank) is pleased to announce that, owing to the change of BRE Bank name scheduled for 25th November 2013, the title of the "Tariff of commissions and fees of BRE Bank SA" has been changed to "Tariff of banking fees and commissions of mBank for SME and Corporates".Additionally, in the content of the Tariff, the following changes have been introduces: modifications related to the change of BRE Bank name, a lower fee for making copies of standard reports available in electronic banking systems and a fee for non-standard reports generated from the bank's systems have been introduces, the fee for the second and following magnetic cards to the sealed cash deposits/withdrawals machine has been increased, the fee for the first magnetic card remains the same. The consolidated text of the Tariff of banking fees and commissions of mBank for SME and Corporates becomes effective the 25th of November, 2013.


SME and Corporates