Qualified certificate - mBank CompanyNet

A qualified certificate is an electronic identification mark, which reliably certifies the identity of an Internet user. It is issued by an entity entered in the so-called register of qualified entities providing certification services. The register of qualified certificates is kept by the minister competent for electronic signatures (the Minister of Economy) and, under his authority, by the National Bank of Poland, whose structures include the National Certification Centre.

The qualified certificate issued includes at least the following data:

  • certificate number
  • indication that the certificate was issued as a qualified certificate
  • specification of the entity providing certification services and the country in which its seat is located
  • name and surname or alias of the person creating the electronic signature
  • data necessary to verify the electronic signature
  • electronic attestation of the entity providing certification services
  • indication of the beginning and end of the certificate validity period
  • limitations to the scope of the certificate validity, if included in the certification policy

The qualified certificate used by the users within the mBank CompanyNet platform allows them to log in to the CompanyNet platform as well as to authorise orders and instructions. Additionally, the qualified certificate enables the use of modern solutions offered by the CompanyNet platform which allow the CompanyNet users to integrate the platform with their financial and accounting systems.

At present, there are five entities in Poland issuing qualified certificates:

All qualified certificates issued by institutions entered in the register of qualified entities providing certification services are adapted to cooperate with the mBank CompanyNet platform.