
Changes in the Tariff of Banking Fees and Commissions of mBank for SME and Corporates

We kindly inform you that on 29 June, 2015 mBank S.A. introduces the changes into its “Tariff of Banking Fees and Commissions of mBank for SME and Corporates”.

In some part of the Tariff, in particular:

1/    an additional fee in the amount of PLN 20.00 was introduced for a transfer order, which is not automatically processed by the Bank , in the case when the order does not contain the BIC code of the beneficiary’s bank or - in the case of foreign transfers in PLN – it does not contain the cost option "SHA" (an option where the costs of the transferring bank are covered by the ordering party and the costs of third party banks are covered by the beneficiary) (the additional fee was introduced in the text of the note to points 4 and 5 in section I.C. of the Tariff – the points apply to a foreign transfer or a transfer in a foreign currency to an account held with other domestic bank),

2/    the fee in the amount of PLN 50.00 for sending a request for payment due to an unauthorised debit balance in the Client's bank account was deleted.

The consolidated text of the Tariff of Banking Fees and Commissions of mBank for SME and Corporates becomes effective on 29 June, 2015.


SME and Corporates