On April 22nd 2108 we are applying changes to mBank CompanyNet login page.
We will add a new method of access to the system: Mobile token.
To make login process convenient for current customers, Token will remain as a default.
Method of logging into the system is connected with authentication devices owned by you.
Logging to the system with Mobile authorization is similar to the current process.
- First on your computer, type-in your ID in the web browser, choose “Mobile token” and click on “Next” button.
- In the next step, web browser will display verification code.
- Login to the Mobile authorization on your mobile device. Authorization message will appear, in which you should always check, if the verification code is the same as in the browser.
- If all data is correct, we should confirm the process with the Accept button in the mobile device
Login process is finished, mBank CompanyNet dashboard will open.