mBank’s vendors and suppliers are required to comply with the law, labour law, human rights law, to protect the environment, to avoid discrimination, and to comply with anti-corruption law.
mBank pursues its business according to ethical and responsibility standards defined among others in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Labour Organisation standards, and the OECD guidelines (in particular, anti-corruption guidelines).

Every supplier participating in procurement or performing a contract with mBank is required to comply with the guidelines and ensure compliance by its subcontractors.

The guidelines in particular include:

  • the Universal Declaration of Human Rights,
  • the International Labour Organisation standards,
  • the OECD guidelines (in particular, anti-corruption guidelines),
  • the Rio Declaration on the Environment and Development – Agenda 21,
  • the United Nations Convention against Corruption,
  • international trade sanctions and embargoes, including sanctions which may apply under resolutions of the UN Security Council according to Chapter VII of the UN Charter, or any sanctions imposed by the European Union,
  • acts of national law implementing the above, as well as rules and regulations, in particular conflict of management rules and regulations.

100% of mBank vendors read and accepted the Vendor Policy in 2020.

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