Rating by Fitch Ratings
Long-term rating Short-term rating Viability
ratingOutlook for LT rating BBB- F3 bbb- Stable Latest change: 13 July 2023
BBB: Good credit quality. BBB' ratings indicate that expectations of default risk are currently low. The capacity for payment of financial commitments is considered adequate but adverse business or economic conditions are more likely to impair this capacity.
F3 - Fair credit quality. T*he capacity for timely payment of financial commitments is*
adequate; however, near term adverse changes could result in a reduction to non
investment grade.Ratings for unsecured issuances under Euro Medium Term Note Programme (EMTN)
- Senior Preferred Debt
Long-term rating
Short-term rating
- Senior Non-Preferred Debt
Long-term rating
Short-term rating
Rating for Poland
Long-term Short-term A- F2 Analysts
Michał Bryks Artur Szeski michal.bryks@fitchratings.com artur.szeski@fitchratings.com - more information about the methodology and rating scale of Fitch
- Historic ratings of mBank issued by Fitch
Rating by S&P Global Ratings
Long-term credit rating Short-term credit rating Stand-alone credit profile (SACP) Outlook for long-term rating BBB A-2 bbb- positive The first solicited rating was assigned on 6 June, 2013. Latest change: 17 May 2024
BBB (on the scale: AAA, AA, A, BBB, BB, B, CCC, CC, R, SD and D; the ratings from 'AA' to 'CCC' may be modified by the addition of a plus (+) or a minus (-) to show relative standing within the major rating categories) - An obligor rated 'BBB' has adequate capacity to meet its financial commitments. However, adverse economic conditions or changing circumstances are more likely to lead to a weakened capacity of the obligor to meet its financial commitments. A-2 (on the scale: A-1, A-2, A-3, B, C, R, SD and D) - An obligor rated 'A-2' has a satisfactory capacity to meet its financial commitments. However, it is somewhat more susceptible to the adverse effects of changes in circumstances and economic conditions than obligors in the highest rating category.Ratings for unsecured issuances under Euro Medium Term Note Programme (EMTN)
- Senior Preferred Debt
Long-term credit rating
Short-term credit rating
- Senior Non-Preferred Debt
Long-term credit rating
Short-term credit rating
Resolution counterparty rating (RCR)
Long-term Short-term BBB+ A-2 Rating for Poland
Long-term Short-term A- A2 Analysts
Nicolas Charney Heiko Verhaag nicolas.charnay@spglobal.com heiko.verhaag@spglobal.com - More about the methodology and rating scale of Standard and Poor’s
- Historic ratings of mBank issued by Standard & Poor’s
Other ratings
Moody’s Investors Service
Moody’s ratings are based on publicly available information.Long-term deposit
ratingShort-term deposit
ratingBaseline Credit Assesment
BCACounterparty risk
assessmentBaa1 P-2 ba1 baa3 A3 (cr)/ P-2 (cr) - More about the methodology and rating scale of Moody’s
- Historical ratings of mBank issued by Moody's
Rating for Poland
Long-term Short-term A2 P-1 Capital Intelligence Ratings
Rating based on publicly available information.
Long-Term Foreign Currency Rating Short-Term Foreign Currency Rating Bank Standalone Rating (BSR) Core Financial Strength (CFS) BBB A2 bbb bbb Latest change: 6 April 2023
- More about the methodology and rating scale of Capital Intelligence